Difference between the CargoWise Neo Dashboard and the Other BI Dashboard for CargoWise Users?

With complexities in global supply chains, businesses require more software tools that can provide clear visibility and actionable insights into their operations. CargoWise is a strong single-platform logistics solution, with the help of this companies may improve operational efficiency and can improve better decision-making. Find the difference between CargoWise Neo Dashboard and BI Dashboard for CargoWise users, which serve the same purpose but from different sides: one gives valuable data insights to users, while the other helps to get insights with the support of business intelligence. Therefore, a business needs to know the difference between these two dashboards to make the best use of CargoWise and its related logistics processes.

What is the CargoWise Neo Dashboard?

The CargoWise Neo Dashboard serves as a command center for the entire supply chain operations of customers. It provides real-time access to transactional information, shipments, declarations, and orders. This allows businesses to see everything in real-time to enable making informed and fast decisions.

The Neo Dashboard is designed specifically for day-to-day users of operations who need timely access to core logistics data. It allows them to monitor activities in real time and adjust their procedures accordingly.

Key Features of the CargoWise Neo Dashboard

Real-Time Data: Shipments, orders, and declarations are tracked in real-time for an immediate decision.

Visibility Across Operations: A complete view of all the logistics transactions currently ongoing.

Customized Interface: Personalize your dashboard to show you key metrics that interest you most. Command Center for Supply Chain: Provide insight into numerous layers of the supply chain for better control and efficiency.

The Neo Dashboard focuses on delivering clarity in the operations. This brings a business in complete control of their day-to-day logistics pretty easily.

What is Meant by BI Dashboard for CargoWise Users?

The CargoWise BI Dashboard users goes beyond mere business operations to provide advanced analytics tools to businesses to be able to identify as many insights as possible in their logistic performance. Being long-term strategic decisions, the BI provides both executive and analytics with real-time snapshots of key performance metrics for aiding in trend identifications and performance measurement as well as optimization of processes.

Key Features of BI Dashboard for CargoWise Users

Real-Time Snapshots: Get real-time data on the key metrics to create more intelligent decision-making.

Logistics Efficiency Optimization: Analyze volume, job count, trade lanes, and continental insights to better optimize logistics operations.

Comprehensive Financial Insights: Access in-depth financial reports on P&L, balance sheets, and gross profit reports.

Customer Retention and Attrition: Use insights about Customer Retention, Attrition and LTV to build relationships.

Customized Solutions: Customize dashboards and reports according to your business’s needs for a seamless experience.

Performance Metrics and KPIs: Monitor metrics, workflows, and business performance using CargoWise KPI Dashoard for greater visibility into your competitive advantage.

With the BI Dashboard, organizations are better positioned to view their performance in a multi-layered way – from departments to international branches – to make smarter, data-driven decisions that enrich business strategies.

Key Differences Between CargoWise Neo Dashboard and BI Dashboard

Primary Purpose

The Neo Dashboard will provide real-time operation insights to act as a commanding center for the management of operations in everyday supply chain activities. It is designed to facilitate an opportunity to monitor and adjust operational activities in real-time. The BI Dashboard is targeted at providing strategic insights with in-depth performance analytics, financial reporting, and long-term trends in the data, which makes it highly important for a more comprehensive business plan.

Audience and Users

Regarding users and audience, the Neo Dashboard is mainly available to people who are operational staff members like the warehouse manager, customer care operators, and logistics coordinators. What they need is near-to-real-time live data to successfully steer their tasks each day. The executives who demand deeper analytic insights and track long-term performances use the BI Dashboard.

Data Analysis

While Neo is excellent for the real-time monitoring of shipments, transactions, and order statuses, which enable users to make decisions instantly based on current operation data, the BI Dashboard has more extended scope for analysis by offering detailed informative reports to possible areas of analysis such as financial health, logistics efficiency, and customer retention that can support long-term business strategy.


On the customization side, Neo Dashboard is very customizable on operational metrics and KPIs for users to fit the dashboards to their roles and needs. However, the BI Dashboard offers more advanced customization options that allow businesses to have the dashboards and reports adapted according to unique strategic requirements about financial and customer performance metrics.

Insights Given

Finally, with regards to insights made possible, the CargoWise Neo Dashboard is ideal for near real-time visibility of data and decisions within operations for the business to meet the customer’s demand for feedback instantly. On the flip side, the business intelligence BI Dashboard is more suited for strategic planning and long-term analysis besides significant decision-making. It is highly helpful in that it provides insights through historical trends, performance on financial matters, and the behavior of customers, which are very crucial for businesses willing to have strategies for future growth and optimization.

Advantages of CargoWise Neo Dashboard

Real-Time Visibility: With real-time tracking of shipments, orders, and transactions, there is instant visibility of all that is moving and happening.

Improved Operational Efficiency: Tracking key KPIs in real-time can help teams identify obstacles and simplify their operations.
Better Customer Service: Customer service teams will be able to address client concerns instantly because data is up-to-date.

Customizable Dashboards: Customizable dashboards according to your organization so that you will always have what is needed right in front of you.

Advantages of BI Dashboard for CargoWise Users

Customizable Dashboards: Customizable dashboards according to your organization so that you will always have what is needed right in front of you.

Data-driven decision making: Real-time insights in key performance metrics enable businesses to base their decisions on what is reflected within the data insights that are happening.

Improves financial performance: The BI dashboard offers detailed financial reports in terms of P&L and balance sheets, which enables organizations to dominate their financial health.

Customer Relationship Management: Analyses customer retention, attrition, and lifetime value to assist business organizations in optimizing relationships while enhancing customer satisfaction.

Logistics Optimization: Analyzing the performance, helps businesses identify where they should bring improvements to regions, branches, or departments for better optimization of supply chain processes for companies.


The CargoWise Neo dashboard focuses on real-time operation insights that make it ideal for logistics professionals managing daily flows of operations, whereas the BI Dashboard for CargoWise Users is meant to offer strategic insights by looking deep into the data by enabling operators and analysts to work toward the long term with an in-depth performance analysis.

Each dashboard has its unique strength, but understanding them to use them together will allow logistics companies to optimize their daily activities by making some strategic decisions of strategic importance, using the help of data to improve their long-term performances.

If you are looking for a BI dashboard for your CargoWise operations then contact Wise BI solutions today and explore its benefits!

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